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Mom's Minute 3-16-2015

  • Monday, 16 March 2015
On the pre-St. Patrick's Day 139th episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show, Ms. H. welcomes everyone.  She discusses the Xbox One demo video game she played, D4: Dark Dream Don't Die and told her listeners she will be reviewing the Xbox One demo video game, Blade Storm: Nightmare next week. Ms. H entertained questions as well as comments from her listeners on the tendency for angry comments to be prevalent on the net.  She informs all to steer away from places where these type commentors may frequent, and visit http://www.allgames.com where the video game community is not angry, but friendly and inviting.  The video game character of the week, Squirrel Girl is discussed with Ms. H informing everyone of her superhero powers and strengths.  Even though not accepted on the team of the coveted Avengers, Ms. H lets everyone know that Squirrel Girl did become part of another Avengers group. The celebrity gamer of the week, Rosario Dawson is discussed with Ms. H informing her listeners that for the next few shows female celebrity gamers will be featured to even out the male ones that she discussed when her show returned in 2015.  Ms. H shares her experience during  her video game field trip to the Party City Supply Store.  When Ms. H mentioned she was thinking of going to Hobby Lobby the next time for her video game field trip, a lively discussion ensued on this topic.  Next Ms. H lists the new video game releases of which there were many.  She stated one of the biggest potential blockbuster video games being released was Battlefield Hardline, among many others.  The  top five most wealthiest video game entrepreneurs are discussed as part of the video game news, along with the voting results of the British Academy of Games awards where the Destiny video game was voted as the best game of the year.  Ms. H stated  the best game of the year would change depending on the particular award shows or venues where the video games are being voted on.  An exciting http://www.allgames.com announcement was made of  a special guest to appear on the upcoming Dead Pixel Live Video Game Show -- of which all are invited.  Ms. H rounds out the Mom's Minute Video Game Show with her Happy St. Patrick's Day saying that may your pot of gold overflow with positivity, honesty, respect, victory, courage, kindness, good health and good fortune.

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