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Mom's Minute 4-27-15

  • Monday, 27 April 2015
On this special 145th edition of Mom's Minute Video Game Show featuring Retro Girl vs. Spectrum, Ms. H welcomes everyone.  She reviews an Xbox One video game she played, Pool Nation FX which is free for Xbox Live members.   A lively discussion follows on the video game character of the week, Marvel's Monica Rambeau.  Ms. H explains why she chose to highlight as the video game character of the week Monica Rambeau who is also known as Photon, Pulsar, Captain Marvel as well as Spectrum.  During the discussion, Ms. H finds out there is currently a new Captain Marvel who has a film that she, rather than Monica Rambeau will star in that is scheduled to be released in July 2018.  Ms. H recognizes the accomplishments of Monica Rambeau who also held the position of being head of the Avengers and stated that hopefully Monica Rambeau will return as Captain Marvel.  Ms. H compares Marvel's Monica Rambeau with Powers' Retro Girl including why Monica Rambeau or Spectrum was being featured as the video game character of the week rather than Retro Girl.  The celebrity gamer of the week, A.J. Lee, the recently retired WWE wrestler is discussed with Ms. H applauding A.J. Lee for never giving up her pursuit of being a professional wrestler, even after she was defeated in her first fight.  A.J. Lee went on to win many titles including being featured in the Guiness Book of World Records.  Ms. H shares her experience in visiting A.J.Gators as her video game field trip and discusses new video game releases.  Topping the video game news is a video game that will be released that will feature the video game character, Lara Croft called Relic Run.  Relic Run  is currently being tested in the Netherlands.  Ms. H shares news of a video game, Slow Down Bull by Insominiac Games which is  available on Steam where some of the proceeds from this video game will be donated to charity.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her special, original saying to forge ahead toward your positive goals and to never give up.

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/lykDgF4QmOo/index.php

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