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Mom's Minute 5-4-15

  • Monday, 04 May 2015
Happy Star Wars Day and May the 4th or Force be with you!  On Mom's Minute Video Game Show 146th episode, special Star Wars edition, Ms. H welcomes everyone to the show.  In addition to a Happy Star Wars Day, Ms. H also wishes everyone a Happy Two Days After Free Comic Book Day that was celebrated on Saturday, May 1, 2015.  Ms. H discusses the video game demo she played on her Xbox One:  Lego Batman 3:  Beyond Gotham City.  A lively discussion followed on Ms. H's pricing algorithms as well as the basis behind the prices she applies to video games that she reviews.  Ms. H emphasizes that she believes you really get what you pay for and that it is time for video game developers and others to step up their game in bringing more creativity to video games.  Better video games will receive higher prices from Ms. H.  She rated Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham City in the same category of other video games she described as routine, run-of-the mill video games -- notwithstanding that she enjoyed the fun video gameplay. In keeping with her plan to present a mythology god or goddess as the video game character on the first Monday of each month -- Ms. H discusses the video game character of the week Maia which is the God of Growth -- named for the month of May.  Continuing with the fun spirit of Star Wars Day, Ms. H also discusses the video game characters of the week, the Stormtroopers from Star Wars.  Continuing with more Star Wars characters' recognition, Ms. H features actor Harrison Ford, who plays Han Solo in Star Wars.  In fact, Harrison Ford played Han Solo in a number of Star Wars movies, including the latest installment to be released in December 2015.  Ms. H voices her opinion that Harrison Ford should receive recognition for the number of times he played Han Solo in the Star Wars movie franchise.  Ms. H discusses her video game field trip on Comic Book Day to Trilogy as well as Comic Kings comic book stores where she received free comic books as well as purchased other items as well at Trilogy.  Ms. H shares her favorite superheroes with a note that there are lots of good superheroes that could be the favorite of others as well.  Ms. H discusses new video game releases and topping the news is the topic of another celebrity video game, specifically one for Britney Spears being in the works.  Ms. H rounds out the Mom's Minute Video Game show with her special original saying that may the force of positivity be with you always.                        

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