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Mom's Minute 5-25-2015

  • Monday, 25 May 2015
On this special Memorial Day 149th edition of Mom's Minute Video Game Show, Ms. H welcomes everyone and wishes all a Happy Memorial Day.  She begins the show by continuing her previous review of the video game Ether One.  Ms. H enjoyed playing Ether One and recommends trophies be given throughout the game to add positive reinforcements to a video game that seemed to have an innovative gameplay theme.  She also recommended a map be added as well. Ms. H discusses the video game character of the week who shares part of her name with Ms. H -- Ms. Marvel.  Ms. H discusses Ms. Marvel's different names, as well as her powers.  Ms. H mentions the writer for the Ms. Marvel comic book which led to her discussing her interview with the Witchblade comic book writer Ron Marz who she interviewed during the recent Tidewater Comic Con event.  Ms. H is elated that her facebook post of the interview had already reached over 4,000 views after just one night.  She thanked all who viewed her interview and requested they visit her facebook page under Mom's Minute and like the page at https://www.facebook.com/momsminutepodcast .  Ms. H's  Mom's Minute Video Game interview with Ron Marz audio portion was played live during the show, with Ms. H requesting everyone to visit her facebook page to see the visual as well.  She also suggests everyone check out the Hollywood Actresses reading video games review of Street Fighter on youtube at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctLyLMMMjO4.  Ms. H is happy to spend the Memorial Day broadcasting her show on the holiday, just as she has done on previous Memorial Day holidays and will be doing for many more.  In keeping with the Memorial Day holiday honoring those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our country, Ms. H features as the celebrity/hero of the show, the late Ashley White stating that she set the example not only for women serving our country, but for men as well.  Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to the Strawberry Festival, letting everyone know that even though video games or arcades were  not at the festival, it was a fun place to visit.  Ms. H discusses new video game releases.  She tops off  the show with news that research has revealed that playing video games helps the learning process; however, she stressed to limit video game playing and to not overdo this activity.  Ms. H  rounds out the show with her special original saying that when you think you have done your very best, try to do any better, since there is always room for improvement.  

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/2L4fvqEfSVs/index.php

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