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Mom's Minute 5-18-2015

  • Monday, 18 May 2015
Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to the 148th episode.  Ms. H begins the show with a preview of her review of the free video game she played on her PlayStation 4 -- Ether One.  Ms. H played the video game for a short while; however, she enjoyed the game play and will provide a full review on the next show.  She ties her interlude music songs featuring heroes to the video game character of the week --  Hawkgirl with a message to her listeners that we are all heroes in some way -- rather the heroic actions are big or small. She expounds on her discussion of Hawkgirl by adding this character won the cosplay in the female comic book category at the Tidewater Comic Con which Ms. H discussed as her video game field trip.  Ms. H entertains questions and comments from the audience dealing with specific content for video games, as well as the question of how video games are valued.  She discusses the celebrity gamer of the week, Mila Kunis, the current wife of Ashton Kutchner.  She updates all on the latest status of this couple and added that she came up with Mila Kunis as the celebrity gamer due to a movie she watched recently on TV that starred Denzel Washington and Milua Kunis -- The Book of Eli.  She also provided an update on the relationship status of Ashton Kutchner and Demi Moore. Ms. H shares her experiences at the comic con and said the event was well organized and fun to attend.  She especially enjoyed watching the cosplay participants.  Ms. H announces who won the male comic book charaacter cosplay at the event.  The winner was a person dressed as Iron Man.  She differed on this decision and believes the person dressed creatively as Groot from the Guardians of the Galaxy comic books and movie should have won, in her opinion. Ms. H talks about new video game releases, including Witcher 3 which will be released on May 19, 2015.  A lively  discussion ensued on Ms. H low rating for the recently released movie Mad Max: Fury Road  as well as how Charlize Theron played the role of the lead female character.   Topping the news is the announcement that a new rendition of the Steve Job's story is in a movie format and has received mixed reviews. Ms. H rounds out the show with her special original saying to harness kindness and spread positive energy to yourself and others by being kind through your actions and words.  

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/VZ-yHAGwpuk/index.php

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