Video Games: Video Games That Lull You to Sleep?
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- Category: Ms H. News
- Published on Thursday, 24 November 2011 03:46

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Source of News: OC Weekly, Video Games Humor, Mark Mai, November 9, 2011
Article: 5 Video Games that Put Me To Sleep
Are there any video games that put you to sleep? I think we all know about drinking warm milk, counting sheep, exercise, and other things that may help one to get to sleep -- but did you know there are video games that put the author, Mark Mai, to sleep? The article is a personal one pertaining specifically to Mark Mai -- so just as a disclaimer, these are his views which you may not necessarily agree with. In fact, you may have opposing views.
This article is in the video game humor section of the news source, and the video games are discussed in a positive light. The author states that he finds playing these games rather enjoyable!
So without further ado, here is the list of video games that put Mark Mai to sleep.
I believe for dramatic effect, he started with number 5 and counted down to number 1 as being the game that is most likely to put him to sleep.
5. Animal Crossing, Wild World for the Nintendo DS: According to the author, this game is virtual and mimics time in real life. So if it is nighttime in real lifel, it is also nightime in the game. The game plays nightime sleeping melodies and there is not much to do in the game except to fish or to redecorate your house.
4. Persona 3 Personal for the PSP: He equates this game to counting sheep because you are continuing climbing a flight of 264 stairs. Each of the stairs are identical to the others. You eventually encounter a battle -- which is the same battle, over and over again. To change the monotony, he states you may end up saying the character' s lines, just to have something different to do.
3. Dragon Age 2 for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC: The author says he enjoys playing this RPG game, and even got all the achievements in the first game. However, he stated the battle scenes only requires hitting the "A" button repeatedly, and that the video game environment is the same cave, just shown at different angles on the various levels of the game.
2. Euro Truck Simulator for the PC. In this game, the author states you do the same things a truck driver does including adjusting rear view mirrors, etc.
1. The Sims: Emulates activities of the day that he states are not too exciting.
Here is a scene from Dragon Age 2.
Dragon Age 2
Ms. H's take: This article caught my attention because I had not thought of video games as sleep inducers. In fact, in each case, I believe you are using your brain cells to make decisions, no matter how routine, or repetitive, so I'm thinking the concentration itself would be enough to keep you awake instead of put you to sleep!
Even though this news is in the humor category, in my opinion, I would have to disagree that a video game would put someone to sleep, unless that person was already sleepy in the first place! But I guess it is possible to fall asleep while playing a video game -- which I would not recommend! I believe a good night's sleep is important for good health!
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Ms. H
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