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Video Games: BioShock Infinite Releases March 26, 2013


BioShock Infinite

The news about BioShock Infinite is not so much about the gameplay, but when the gameplay will actually happen.  Since the initial announcement that BioShock Infinite would be released October 2012, then February 2013 (February 26, 2013 to be exact) -- Irrational Games has announced yet another release date. -- March 26, 2013.

It could be to their credit that the game is being delayed.  Maybe in their quest to bring you the absolutely best BioShock Infinite, it's necessary to put in more work using their intellectual properties for the game. This seems to be the underlying reasons for the delay.  According to creator Ken Levine, when Rod Fergusson,  the former Gears of War franchise director at Epic games came on board, he saw a need to delay the game for more polishing and bug fixing.


BioShock Infinite

It may be your preference to have a delayed good video game instead of one that appears to be rushed when it is finally released.  Irrational Games is leaning towards the former -- sometimes to the frustration of some who wanted the game when it was initially promised.  Having to wait an additional five or six months later for the game may not sit well with you; however, your reward for the long wait will hopefully be a superior video gaming experience.


BioShock Infinite

Here's Ken Levine's words about the delay. ".....at the end of the day, if it [the delay] is going to make us a better game, we're going to do it. So the new date is March 26 [2013]."

BioShock Infinite is rated M for Mature and currently has a release date of March 26, 2013.

BioShock Infinite Special Editions Read more

BioShock Infinite Game of Year Contender Before Launched Read More

Video Games: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Video Games Announced


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Have you ever felt nostalgic for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video games?  Would you like to play current, revamped versions of these games.  If so, your wishes have been granted.  Activision and Nickelodeon have teamed up to bring you Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles video games based upon the rebooted television series. The television show was an instant hit which drew over 12 million viewers during its premiere weekend on September 29, 2012. 


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles graphic

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are not strangers to video games.  Previously, several games were produced by Ubisoft prior to Nicklelodeon acquiring rights to the franchise.

 To wash away fears that the game may not live up to its television counterpart, Sherice Torres, Senior Vice President of Nickelodeon Consumer Products states: 

"We are confident that these upcoming games will take gamers through interactive environments and action-packed adventures that truly capture the essence, tone and exciting elements of the Turtles."


Scene from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Kurt Niederloh, Vice President, Activision Minneapolis, Inc states:  "The fans of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles are unique in that they span generations and are very passionate.  We respect this passion and look forward to working with Nickelodeon to create games that embody the spirit of the property."

The first game in the series is expected to be released during the summer, 2013.

Video Games: Street Fighter X Tekken Version 2013


Street Fighter X Tekken Version 2013

If you are a  fan of fighting video games, you may already know about gameplay changes from the Street Fighter X Tekken Version 2013  patch that was released the latter part of January 2013.   Capcom had vast, detailed changes developed for the game ranging from the characters to the system --  with the goal to improve your gaming experience.


Street Figher X Tekken Ver. 2013

Due in part to the extent of the changes, the patch was delayed from the original release timeframe of December, 2012.  DLC has since been made available for the consoles; however PC players had to wait until February 6, 2013 for the patch.  In an attempt to make up for the delay for PC players, the DLC was discounted 75% to a cost of $5.00 versus the original price of $19.99.


Street Fighter X Tekken Version 2013

In addition to the changes with Street Fighter X Tekken, Version 2013, you can expect even more  changes in an upcoming patch -- version 1.08. The time frame for the 1.08 patch release was unavailable at press time.

How to Use Street Fighter X Tekken Gems Read more

New Sherlock Holmes Video Game Announced



Sherlock Holmes Crime and Punishments

Focus Home Interactive has announced  a new Sherlock Holmes video game will be available.  The game will be called Crime and Punishments and will be out some time in 2013.  


Sherlock Holmes

Even though a specific release date was not given, it was revealed that the game will run on Unreal Engine. Use of the Unreal Engine technology will result in better graphics, with more realistic, finely detailed  environments and dynamic lighting.


Sherlock Holmes

The gameplay will involve moral choices as you guide Sherlock Holmes through eight cases. Additionally, Sherlock Holmes will have a new, updated look.  Instead of the Sherlock Holmes of the 1960's, Frogwares developers have him embodying a more modern character.

When released, Sherlock Holmes Crime and Punishments will be playable on the Xbox 360, PS 3 and the PC.

Video Games: Mass Effect 4... or Not


Commanders Shephard from Mass Effect 3

It looks like not only will you be saying goodbye to Commander Shephard in the next installment of Mass Effect, but you will also be saying farewell to the name of the video game as well.  Bioware has revealed that the next installment of Mass Effect will not be called Mass Effect 4 -- as some may have originally "assumed."  In fact, Bioware is saying the next game will be done a disservice if it is called Mass Effect 4.  The disservice is not because of the questionable and mixed reviews of Mass Effect 3, including the dubious endings -- but the next game is said to have nothing at all to do with the previous Mass Effect storylines.


The Mass Effect name will stay in its video game past.

If you are speculatiing about the name, or even what the gameplay entails, you may be doing so in vain.  According to Chris Priestley, Bioware's community manager, you as a fan of the Mass Effect series may speculate regarding the name of the game, including the characters and storyline; however, this information will not be revealed for months, or even years to come -- depending, of course,  on how long the game will be in development.


Mass Effect

Bioware Edenton Chief, Yanick Roy further elaborated on why fans should not call the next game "Mass Effect 4" by adding that to call this game Mass Effect 4 would suggest some type of linearity or a straight evolution of the game play and storyline of the first three games -- which is not the case.

Even though it has been  "cast in stone" that the  Mass Effect 3 triololgy has ended and will not be revived,  interesting enough, the mass effect universe, itself, will remain in the next game.  

A release date for the next installment of the game was unavailable at press time.

How to Share Your Ideas for the Next "Mass Effect" Video Game Read more

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