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Mom's Minute 8-25-2014

  • Sunday, 24 August 2014
On the Mom's Minute Video Game Special Double Agent 007 episode, the host, Ms. H welcomes everyone to the 115th show.  She thanks all who watched her live broadcast gameplay of Playable Teaser (P.T.) of Silent Hills  at http://www.twitch.tv/allgamesnetworkvideo  that she played Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard time as well as her Watch Dogs gameplay that occurred on Sunday at 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Tme and 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. Before starting the show, she reminds everyone of the video game tournament, Ultra Street Fighter IV where she will play against the winner of the qualifying matches.  The winner will have a choice of three incredible prizes, but only if he or she wins against Ms. H who has been practicing to become even more expert at the Ultra Street Fighter IV video game than she already is.  Ms. H reviews  the P.T. of  Silent Hills that she played on her PlayStation 4 as well as an IOS video game that she played on her iPhone which was called Talking 007 Agent.  An announcment was made that some of the gameplay of the P.T. will be posted on the allgames.com youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_iEYUu4i0Ybs9u647OxuwA .  In keeping with the double agent theme of the show, Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to Trilogy comic book store and shares with her listners comic books with secret agents as the main characters.  She also reveals that Robin from the Batman comic books, television shows and movies  works as a double agent under the name of Grayson.  She lets everyone know that there will be a Part 2 of  Mom's Minute Special Edition Double Agent 007 episode  where the focus of the show will be the double agent known as Black Widow by her code name.  Ms. H requests everyone to tune in to this show which will be broadcast live on September 1, 2014 at http://www.chat.allgames.com  or http://www.allgames.com/live  to find out more about Black Widow and to enjoy other double agent related video game topics as well.  Discussion followed on new video game releases and high ranking double agent video games top the video game news.  Ms. H rounds out the show with her special saying to be on the look out and be ready for your opportunities for success at all times. 

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/dUUvao_Guj8/index.php

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