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Mom's Minute 2-26-2018

  • Monday, 26 February 2018
Happy Monday! Ms. H welcomes everyone to the 245th episode of the Mom's Minute with Ms. H Video Game Show.  She talks about the Xbox One video game she played, Assassin's Creed India as well as new video game releases.  Lively discussion followed to include one of her listeners regarding breaking news of who could be the strongest woman on WWE.  She also mentions her views on the Black Panther movie. Ms. H brings everyone up to date on the Winter Olympics' results as well as tech news on Sony's mobile phone. The video game event is E3.  For the Ms. H 411 segment, Ms. H discussed whether anyone should see the video game turned into movie -- Tomb Raider coming soon to theaters.  She announced the Mom's Minute Trivia contest question.  Ms. H rounds out the Mom's Minute with Ms. H Video Game Show with words for you short and sweet to take daring, calculated risks with safety and enjoyment at your core.

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