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Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City Movie Review

 The Lost City


Introduction to Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City Movie Review


Apparently “Lost City” is a common movie title used for many films.Therefore, I am prefacing the title of my movie review with the main actor’s name in the film, Sandra Bullock for clarification.


By the way, I watched Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City movie on Amazon Prime Video for a price. Unfortunately, even though the film Sandra Bullock's The Lost City has been released for some time, it is not available to watch for free. Ironically, a bigger box office movie, No Time to Die was released on the streaming service Amazon Prime Video for free. Go figure.


The question is – Should you take time out of your busy day as well as spend your hard-earned money to watch Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City movie? Check out my movie review of Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City film to find out.


Synopsis of Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City Movie


Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City movie is about a romance novelist, Loretta Sage played by Sandra Bullock and her adventures once she completed her novel. 


Since the content of Sandra Bullock’s character’s romance novel was about finding lost treasures, she was kidnapped during a book tour appearance by a “treasure hunter” who wanted to use her expertise to locate valuable ancient artifacts. Specifically, Daniel Radcliff as Abigail Fairfax kidnapped Sandra Bullock's character to help him find what he thought would be riches in the form of a headdress of a person of royalty from many years ago.  


Channing Tatum as Alan Caprison, who is Sandra Bullock’s character's cover model, witnessed the kidnapping, and attempts to rescue her, with the assistance of the Jack Trainer character, played by Brad Pitt.


Most of the action in the movie involves Sandra Bullock's and Channing Tatum’s characters' adventures in the  forest as they are regularly captured and found ways to escape from the kidnapper and his group.


Genre of Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City Movie


At first, you may get the impression that Sandra Bullock’s The Lost CIty movie is a comedy since there are a few slap-stick laughs as well as humorous dialogue throughout the movie. As you continue to watch the movie, you may conclude that Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City is a rom-com (romantic comedy) due to some of the interactions and conversations between the main characters, novelest Loretta Sage and cover model, Alan Caprison. 


Sandra Bullock’s movie, The Lost City is categorized as action/adventure by the movie rating board. Even though there is certainly action and adventure scenes in Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City movie, personally, I would categorize the movie as a comedy/drama–even though the comedy was lackluster in some instances.



Persol Sunglasses Worn by Brad Pitt as Jack Trainer in The Lost City 2022 Movie 1

Stand Out Actor in Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City Movie


Initially, while watching Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City, I became accustomed to the comedy leanings of the film; that is, until an unexpected actor appeared. 


That actor was none other than Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt plays the part of Jack Trainer whose profession is to locate or rescue people. When Brad Pitt’s character appeared in the movie, The Lost City, the interest level may rise due his high action scenes and stunts. But, unfortunately, interest may not last long as Brad Pitt’s character is seemingly “destroyed” in the movie long before Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum characters’ gets far into their forest adventures.


Spoiler Alert:  If you watch Sandra Bullock’s movie The Lost City, stick around after the credits start rolling. I think you will be surprised who appears in these last added scenes.



Suspense in Sandra Bullock's The Lost City Movie


In addition to Brad Pitt’s unexpected appearance in Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City movie, there was little suspense in the movie. If you watch the movie, you probably will be able to predict what the next actions will be. Bottom line, Sandra Bullock's The Lost City movie failed in being a suspenseful movie.


Scenery in Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City Movie


Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City film may remind you of a classic movie, The Jewel of the Nile which starred Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner. In this film, a couple also searched for treasures, etc. However, in my opinion, The Lost City movie starring Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum does not compare to this movie. To me the plot was not as strong and there was a lack of realism when compared with the 1985 classic movie, The Jewel of the Nile. 


That being said, I give kudos to the cinematographer crew who filmed the forest surroundings as well as the cascading waterfalls in Sandra Bullock's The Lost City movie. I am recognizing the film's outstanding photography even though plenty of the scenes may have been Computer-Generated Imagery CGI and not the actual visual locations.




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Assessment of Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City Movie


Like me, you may not be a fan of some of the comedic lines in Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City film, but I give credit to Sandra Bullock for her roles in the movie -- not only as an actor but as one of the producers. 


Personally, I would not rush to watch Sandra Bullock 's The Lost City film, especially if there are other movies you may prefer to watch instead. I will go so far as to say that Sandra Bullock's The Lost City is not quite the same quality standards as one of her previous movies, The Bird Box.


However, due to the movie having quite a few talented A-Lister actors who have appeared in many other films, some blockbusters, I do not believe you will be disappointed if you forked over your time and money to watch Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City movie. If you watch Sandra Bullock's The Lost City film, at least you can experience actors showing off their acting chops as well as enjoy watching the scenery.


Rating of Sandra Bullock’s The Lost City Movie


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Sandra Bullock's The Lost City movie 4 stars.



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