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Video Games: Video Gamers' Wishes: An April Fools Day Twist


Serah and Noel of Final Fantasy

On this April Fools Day, it is fitting to go beyond the norm, and bring to you genuine video games wishes that are not pranks.

To speak to you in terms from our world, Serah and Noel have elicited Ms. H from http://www.moms-minute.com to break it down to you in poet form.   Ms. H's message is entitled:  "Video Games Laments."

To wit:

      Serah and Noel are here to share

      Video game wishes for you, if you dare

     Serah and Noel want you to know

     Video games need to do more than go with the flow.



     No more rumors of video games to be

     Holding us in doubt, we really want to see

     What's in store for us in video games this year,

     Not just rumors, but real news, in the clear.

     What's up with Grand Theft Auto Five?

     Keeping us in suspense -- that just don't jive.



     While talking about new video games to be

     Give us more DLC, but we want it all for free.


     We've told you time and time again EA,

     That ending to Mass Effect 3, we just can't take.

     Be it now or in the future, we beg you to make

     the perfect ending to this game...Why must we wait?

     There's much more we want from video games untold,

     If video games are to stay in the millions sold.

     But Serah and Noel must leave for lands far away

     And will return soon, maybe on another April Fools Day. 

Happy April Fools Day.

Video Games: The Next, New Rumored PlayStation Video Game System -- Orbis? in 2013


Will the next Playstation be the PlayStation Orbis?

The rumor mill is buzzing about the next PlayStation due out in 2013.  No official comment from Sony yet, but word has leaked that the successor to the PlayStation 3 may be in the works, with a target release date of the holiday period -- 2013. The source of the rumor is Kotaku.

Anonymous sources who have inside information on the next PlayStation are saying that PlayStation 4 will be called Orbis. No more number naming conventions for Sony -- for now. However, we all know that things can change.

Among the specs for Orbis is a resolution of  4096 x 2160 which far exceeds the requirements of most HDTV sets.

The system will also enable 3D video game playing, as long as you have a compatible TV.


Art for the PlayStation.  The rumored name for the new PlayStation is Orbis. 

The downside and if this rumor proves to be true, is you may not be able to play video games between your PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 or Orbis.

Another rumored change is if you buy a used Orbis video game, you will not be able to play the game online.  Only the original owner will have an account for that particular game.

These are all rumors for now, and as rumors go, should be taken with a grain of salt. The name Orbis is suspect also since it did not come directly from Sony.

However, if you feel strongly about not being able to buy and play used video games as you do currently, or if do not like not being able to play games between consoles, now may be the time to let your voice be heard.



Grand Theft Auto Release Date - Beware of April Fools Pranks in Video Games News



Is Grand Theft Auto V's release date part of an April Fools Day ploy?

On April 1, 2012, April Fools Day, it would not be surprising if some video game news are not true.  One of the games that may be at the top of an April Fools Day prank, among others is the release date for Grand Theft Auto V.


Grand Theft Auto V.

If you see any news on April 1, 2012 regarding the release date for Grand Theft Auto V, remember that Rockstar Games has not announced an official release date. The news will most likely be an April Fools prank. If the release date was told to you in person or even in print, the response from the news-giver would be "April Fools!"

Grand Theft Auto V is currently one of the most anticipated video games -- so it is natural to want more news about the game before it is actually released.  There are mixed thoughts within the video game community regarding exactly how much information should be released about the video game. Many are saying to hold off, while others are saying that news on Grand Theft Auto V is long overdue.


Grand Theft Auto V 

The above being said, there are rumors about Grand Theft Auto to fill in the gaps of news about this video game. The rumors include more information about the video game being released within the next few weeks, including possible screen shots.

Even though you may be excitedly waiting for news, especially about the release date of Grand Theft Auto V, be skeptical of news that may appear on April 1, 2012, April Fools Day -- regardless of the source.  

It is not unheard of for usually creditable sources to dally in April Fools pranks -- including Google.  Remember -  Beware.

Video Games: Mass Effect 3 New DLC to Placate Video Game Players Unhappy with Endings?

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Video Game players livid over Bioware's Mass Effect 3's endings

There is growing controversy over the endings of one of the most highly anticipated video games, Mass Effect 3.  The video game was released on March 6, 2012. 

Mass Effect 3's endings or lack there of have been making headlines. Not only are video game players angry, upset, and disappointed with the endings, but some have gone so far as to file complaints about the video game with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

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Mass Effect 3 is the last of a trilogy Role Playing Game (RPG) series that received rave reviews from its two previous installments.  During the gameplay, in addition to battles, video game players make decisions which change the course of the story.   

It is not surprising the previous Mass Effect video games were played and replayed due to the entertainment value, draw, and empowerment bestowed on the video game players.  Many developed an attachment to the video game characters and were consequently, concerned with what happened to them.

So what went terribly wrong with Mass Effect 3 that caused groves of video game players to "pitch a fit?"  Were the expectations of Mass Effect 3 so high, that the video game would have been unable to live up to the extreme standards expected -- even if the game  had delivered a plausible ending? Based on the success of the previous Mass Effect installments, this video game was expected to be up to the task. Unfortunately, Mass Effect 3 may not have delivered what was expected -- especially during the last ten minutes or so of gameplay.

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One can probably imagine the frustration that must have been felt after having played the video game many hours only to experience an ending that some say seemed to have been put together at the last minute. Some video players are even complaining that the video gameplay itself, leaves a lot to desired -- likening it more to a third person shooter game instead of an RPG.

Not to give anything away regarding the gameplay, it seems as if Mass Effect 3 offers several choices at the end of the game; however, regardless of the one selected, the conclusion is the same.  Some video game players say the last ten minutes of Mass Effect 3's endings were dissatisfying and left them feeling empty.  Additionally, there were  a lot of holes and questions at the end, there were no closure, and in a sense,  it appeared as if all the gameplay accomplished during  the previous two video game installments of Mass Effect were a big waste.

With such widespread discontent with Mass Effect 3's endings, of course, the CEO of Bioware, Dr. Ray Muzyka had to make a statement -- one that would support his development teams, as well as not alienate the video game players. He was admittedly placed between a "rock and a hard place", and had to try in some way to appease video game players.

From a business perspective, of course the company's bottom line was part of his impetus to make a statement since it's common knowledge that video games cannot succeed and make millions if no one will buy and in turn play them. 

Releasing a major blockbuster video game with such poorly crafted endings required Bioware to do something about this faux pas.  But what? Some possible options included giving refunds, recalls, change the ending, explain the ending, make a statement and apologize, not let the trilogy end with Mass Effect 3 or even make the choice to do nothing.

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You may have heard that some Mass Effect 3 customers were able to get refunds from Amazon.com, even though there is debate on whether their discontent with the ending was a basis for a refund.

Of the above choices, it appears as if Bioware's Dr. Ray Muzyka opted for a carefully worded apology along with a statement that an answer to the Mass Effect 3 ending problem will be provided some time in April, 2012.

Excerpt from his statement and in his own words:

"Building on their research, Exec Producer Casey Hudson and the team are hard at work on a number of game content initiatives that will help answer the questions, providing more clarity for those seeking further closure to their journey. You’ll hear more on this in April.  We’re working hard to maintain the right balance between the artistic integrity of the original story while addressing the fan feedback we’ve received.  This is in addition to our existing plan to continue providing new Mass Effect content and new full games, so rest assured that your journey in the Mass Effect universe can, and will, continue."

It remains to be seen if the "game content" initiatives will be new downloadable content with different endings -- even though this is the current speculation. Also note  he stated you will hear "more on this in April", which may or may not mean new endings for Mass Effect 3 via DLC, at a cost. One must take a wait and see stance.

The up side is that Bioware listened to the complaints and hopefully, a solution for the endings for Mass Effect 3 is on its way.

Video Games: WII U -- More to Offer than Xbox 360 and PS3?


WII U's scheduled release date is holiday, 2012

What better way to lure hard core gamers from Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 than to claim that by comparison,  the new WII U will have more to offer.  Even though not a direct assertion from Nintendo, the system is purported to add different elements to gameplay than what is available on other video game systems.

Wii 2

The unique feature of the WII U is the touch screen, which among other capabilities, will allow  you to continue playing certain games even when the television is off. The controller can supplement or replicate the video game played on the display screen. This feature is sometimes referred to as a tablet controller.

The controller itself has some of the same features of the Nintendo 3DS such as a gyroscope and a camera.

The WII U will be the first Nintendo console to provide 1080P high definition graphics. It will be backwards compatible with the WII and WII's peripherals.WII 3

So what does the WII U offer that tops the other consoles? According to Gearbox CEO, Randy Pitchford, and in his words, "No other platform can do what the WII U can do."

He mentions all the possibilities using the new interface, which is the WII U's innovative tablet controller. The possiblities include using the controller as a motion tracker and to replicate certain moments in movies.

He indicated that Nintendo may have more plans in store for the WII U and that Gearbox will be right there when they are disclosed.

Nintendo has been mum about the hardware specs, and is expected to reveal more about the WII U during E3 in June, 2012.

Copyright by Moms Minute 2012. All rights reserved.

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