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Mom's Minute 3-3-2014

  • Sunday, 02 March 2014
                                                                    Mom's Minute Video Game Show begins with the show's host,  Ms. H, welcoming everyone to the 92nd episode of the show.  She wishes the creator of the show a Happy Birthday and thanks him for doing an excellent job as always producing the show.  She shares her reviews of two video game demos that she played which were Strider on the PS 4 and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII on her Xbox 360. She reveals that next week she will be reviewing two full video games, which will include the video game Remember Me on her PS3.  During discussion of game night that is scheduled at Allgames.com, she added that she may also be playing the full game of Civiliation Revolution and providing a review of this game as well on her next show.  She stated that she is looking forward to sharing her reviews of these two full video games on her next show. Ms. H discusses the video game character of the week, Black Orchid, or Orchid which this character is sometimes called from the video game, Killer Instinct.  She informs everyone that she got the idea of featuring Orchid as the video game character of the week after watching on Twitch the video game tournament that was being held at the University of California, in Irvine, California and she noticed this character being played by one of the tournament video game players.  She lets everyone know that in 1994, Orchid was the first female character in the Killer Instinct video game franchise, and has appeared in every rendition of the game since this time. She was voted as one of the most favorite video game characters in the series and has a high level of popularity based on several video game surveys.  Ms. H recommends the developers modify Orchid's style of fighting to be based more on using strategy to fight.  She next discusses her video game field trip to the YMCA.  Prior to her visit to the YMCA, she searched the internet to locate the one she would visit -- given the various YMCAs that were available.  She reveals that the YMCA she selected advertised online that there were interactive zones -- which she equated to video games. However, during her visit, she found out that the closest item the YMCA had that was video game related were exercise bikes that had a calorie burning video game playing screen. These exercise bikes were located in the gym area, as well as in the regular exercise room.  Ms. H states that even though there were no video games, except for those on the exercise bikes at this YMCA, it's possible that video games, as well as arcades may be available at other YMCAs. Discussion on new video game releases followed.  The video game news is topped by the announcement that a video game character that was not in the previous Street Fighter video game, Elena, will be returning to the next rendition of the Super Street Fighter IV game which will be called Ultra Street Fighter IV.  This led to a lively discussion on whether it was a good idea for the developers to bring Elena back to the video game, given this character's propensity to not win when playing against other video game characters in the game. Even though she can regenerate her health during the game, she was still not considered a strong playable video game character.  Ms. H announced that this game will be available some time in the Spring, 2014 and that she currently plans to obtain a copy of the physical game -- even though DLC with the new fighters will be available as an upgrade to Super Street Fighter IV.   Ms. H rounds out the news with an announcement of an upcoming video game music concert, RePlay Symphony of Heroes,  consisting of video game music from such video games as Halo, Journey, God of War, Elder Scrolls, Legend of Zelda and many more.  The music concert will be held in St. Petersburg, FL on April 19, 2014 at the McHaffey Theater. Next, an  announcement of Allgames.com shows that reached the 100 show thresshold and others were discussed.  Ms. H shares her original saying that  you can achieve your full potential through hard work, perseverance and determination, and as a result -- your success is eminent. 

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