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Mom's Minute 3-10-2014

  • Monday, 10 March 2014
  On the Monday following daylight saving's time, Ms. H wishes a Happy Daylight Savings time to her U.S. listeners as well as  Happy Commonwealth Day to her Canada listeners.  She welcomes everyone to the 93rd episode of Mom's Minute Video Game Show, hosted by Ms. H.  She starts the show with her review of two free full video games that she played on her Xbox 360 and PS3 respectively.  The two games are Civilization Revolution and Remember Me. Ms. H enjoyed playing the latter--but was unable to give an overall positive review for the former.  Ms. H usually enjoys playing strategy type video games; however, Civilization Revolution proved to be an exception for her.  Ms. H enjoyed listening to the musical score while playing Ciivilization Revolution but she did not like playing the overall video game.  She inquires as to other strategy type video games she may be interested in playing .  The Sims video game was one of the options that was suggested.   She gave favorable reviews to the second video game she played on her PS3 -- Remember Me.  Ms. H also reveals that she used a youtube video of the gameplay as a way to help her get past the first enemy in the video  game; however, she prefers to figure out how to defeat enemies in video games on her own. She found out from the youtube video that instead of fighting the enemy as she did when she first started playing the game -- she should have the character flee the robot-like enemy instead.  Later, she was able to use her customized video game character fighting moves while playing the game. Even though she enjoyed playing Remember Me, Ms. H did not give it a very high price rating because of the black and white display of the fighting move instructons for the main protagonist in the game-- Nilin--rather than the fighting instructions/demonstrations being shown in color.  Ms. H added as a by the way that she enjoyed playing the video game Halo 4, in which she played the multiplayer version. She welcomed her listeners to invite her or join her in playing the Halo 4 video  game via her Xbox 360 gamer tag Rea1MsH, where the number "1" is used in lieu of an "l" in her name "Rea1MsH." She discusses the video game character of the week, Sadira from the video game Killer Instinct. She lets everyone know that this particular Sadira is not the same character in the Diisney movie Aladdin, or the video game character, Invictus Sadira from the video game League of Legends. She noted that a lot of background information was not provided on the Killer Instinct Sadira character, but it is thought that her character is either Persian or Arabian, based upon her style of uniform or dress. She informs everyone that it is known that Sadira has a special move or instinct which is her spider web which can also be used as projectiles.  Her other weapons include gauntlets.   Interesting enough, instead of being in alliance with the other Killer Instinct female character Orchid, which Ms. H featured as the video game character of the week during her previous show -- Orchid is actually Sadira's enemy.  Her other enemies include Jago and a few other fighting characters in the game.   Ms. H follows the video game character of the week discussion with her video game field trip to Costco.  She stated her reason for returning to Costco which she had discussed during one of her previous video game shows was to find out if  Xbox One or PlayStation 4 was available at this wholesale, outlet type warehouse store.   She explains the floor layout of the location where the video game cards were at Costco.  Instead of the actual video games being displayed, she explains that legal-sized cardboard cards were shown and were located on a table in the books and DVD area of the store.  She informs everyone there was a small number of video games available including Zumba, Call of Duty: Ghosts and Pokemon. She shares that even though there was only one Xbox 360 video game system in this area, when she checked the front of the store, she saw a pallet of about 40 Xbox One video game systems displayed.  The Xbox Ones were not empty boxes, but were actual Xbox One boxed systems. Ms. H did not see any PS4's displayed and when she was acquired, she was referred to the area where only a Xbox 360 was located -- not PS4s. Discussion followed on if purchasing the Xbox One video game system from Costco was a good deal considering that there is a membership fee to join Costco -- usually $55.00 to $110.00. The Xbox One  systems were selling for  a $20.00 discount at $479.99. She suggested that if anyone was in the market for an Xbox One, they may want to check out Costco; however, they should consider the membership fee as well as how often they shop at Costco to see if they were saving money by this purchase. She reminded everyone that Best Buy and other video game establishments have the Xbox One Titanfall video game bundle available beginning March 11, 2014, which includes a free copy of Titanfall. Ms. H lists the new video game releases followed by video game news.  Topping the video game news is the confirmed, official release date of  May 27, 2014 for the highly anticipated video game, Watch Dogs that had been previously delayed.  She stated Watch Dogs is available for pre-order from Amazon.com and other video game retail establishments.  She refers everyone to her website -- http://www.Moms-Minute.com -- for additional information on the Watch Dogs release. She also shares the news that some video games may be available for play as business cards where you will  be able to use business cards as a medium to play video games such as Tetris.  All games.com announcements follow and Ms. H rounds out the show with her saying on  how to keep your eye on the prize by staying focused, determined,  as well as resilient, and that by doing so your goals will be within your reach and realized.

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