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Mom's Minute 3-17-2014

  • Monday, 17 March 2014
On the 94th episode and St. Patrick's Day edition of Mom's Minute Video Game Show, Ms. H welcomes listeners and wishes everyone a Happy St. Patrick's Day.  She hopes everyone is doing well and will experience the luck of the Irish as she starts the show off by answering questions from her listeners -- including what she thought of the new video game character introduced for the Ultra Street Fighter IV video game as well as other video game related topics.   The news that Ms. H recently acquired the Titan Fall Edition of the Xbox One video game console started a lively discussion on Ms. H thoughts about the Xbox One --given the fact that she had been playing video games mostly on her PS4 as well as her previous generation video game systems -- the PS3 and the Xbox 360.  Ms. H chronicles the events that led up to her decision to go ahead and own an Xbox One. She had mentioned during a previous Mom's Minute Video Game Show that she was waiting for a big sale on the Xbox One to occur before she would obtain an Xbox One.  Ms. H reveals that it was her quest to get a higher quality set of headphones to more effectively broadcast her video gameplays on her PS4 that ultimately parlayed her to also decide that since she was already going to the retail establishment for this reason --  it was a convenient time for her to also obtain the Xbox One since the highly anticipated video game, Titanfall, came with the system.  Her aim was to start playing and reviewing video games on the Xbox One for her listeners who may have the Xbox One and not the PS4, or who may even have both video game systems. She discusses her visit to the retail establishment to follow-through on her plans.  She shares with her listeners not only what happened when she obtained her Xbox One, but also a side conversation she had with the sales clerk on how it may not be as easy as Ms. H thought to get a quality headset for the PS4.  Ms. H aspired to continue to provide quality broadcasts to her listeners using her PS4 as she did previously with her PS3. Her aims were two-fold --  to utilize a state-of-the-art audio headphone set when broadcasting her PS4 video games,  as well as be able to include her Xbox One listeners in her video game playing experiences by also owning an Xbox One.  In response to what she thought of the Xbox One, Ms. H mentioned the inadequate PR job Microsoft did introducing the Xbox One as well as displaying, in her opinion, an impression that may have tarnished the Xbox One's reputation as a result.  This impression initially weighed in on her not being too enthusiastic initially about obtaining an Xbox One.  However, Ms. H decided to go ahead and obtain an Xbox One, and was glad that she did. She was quite impressed with how easy the Xbox One was to set up, including how she did not have to input a long code manually to activate her 30-day Xbox Live Gold membership, or to download the code for her free Titanfall video game that came with the video game console.  Ms. H admitted she was somewhat disappointed that an actual physical disc of the game was not included with the Xbox One.  She was informed that digital download is going to be the future of most video games, where games will be downloaded instead of being playable by inserting a disc in the video game console.  She liked the voice commands she could use with the Xbox One and informed her listeners that voice commands could also be used on the PS4 as well.  Ms. H  had concerns about privacy regardng the use of the Xbox One's Kinect camera.  She usually  faces the camera away from her when she is not playing her Xbox One due to her privacy wishes -- even though she was told that the Kinect camera would not evade her privacy.  This discussion led to a question of her thoughts of if an agency is spying on people. She responded it was a possibility; however, she believed the spying would probably be through phone lines, instead of via video games. She shared her video gamer tag for her Xbox One as well as her PS4 and said she looks forward to enjoying playing games with friends.  She also stated now that her family all have Xbox Ones -- they may soon play games together.   She stated she would play with friends online, and will also try joining a sports challenge tournament where the goal is to attempt to predict winners.  Ms. H reviewed the two video games she played which were Dead Nation:  The Apocalypse Edition which was a free full game on the PlayStation 4 and a "free" game that she played on her new Xbox One -- Killer Instinct.  She believes it is misleading for Microsoft to advertise Killer Instinct as being free, when in essence, to play some of the other characters in this fighting video game, you have to pay for them.  Regarding the video gameplay of Killer Instinct, she stated that in her opinion,  it was an easy game to play; however, she would like to get better at this game. Towards this end, she had already used the training mode of the video game, Killer Instinct.  She gave Dead Nation:  The Apocalypse Edition a higher price valuation than Killer Instinct, based in part because she enjoyed the team, and comradarie aspects of this game. Ms. H discussed her video game field trip to the Community Parks and Recreation Center and shared her experience in the game room, as well as the dance studio.  Discussion of new video game releases followed, with Ms. H noting that at this time, Sony seems to be out-pacing Microsoft in providing new video games to play on their video game consoles.  Highlighting the news was that the upcoming video game, Arkham City, will only be playable on the PC, Xbox One and the PS4, excluding the previous video game consoles.  She also shared news that a company in Orlando, FL, GameSim, is expanding its payroll by hiring video game personnel/professionals who will also work on simulation type projects.  Ms. H rounds out her show with her saying that when you have and show confidence in all that you do, you will not only be lucky, but you will also experience amazing success.

Read more http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/MomsMinuteReviews/~3/mUmb7V0BJbw/index.php

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