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Mom's Minute 3-24-2014

  • Monday, 24 March 2014
Ms. H of Mom's Minute Video Game Show welcomes everyone to her 95th episode and a happy 4th day of Spring.  She begins her show by thanking members of her Xbox One Titanfall video game party for playing the game with her which she thoroughly enjoyed.  She states that everyone contributed to the team as they fought against enemies during the weekend video game Xbox One party.  She is looking forward to participating in another  Xbox One party in the near future, in which she is sure victory will be her team of Titanfall video game players. She also reminded everyone that just as her show is a clean one, so is the video game parties that she participate in.  She stated that her current motto is "Do not be the victim, be the victor"; however she also believes that one should do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. In response to an inquiry, she discusses the name of  her show, as well as her name, Ms. H, as opposed to another name.  Not to worry.  Ms. H plans to retain the name of Mom's Minute Video Game Show which was created by her son when it was started as a 15-minute show, that grew at the request of listeners to the current hour video game show. Ms. H said her aim is to discuss the depiction of females in video games and that in fact, her video game character of the week is a female -- Princess Zelda from the Zelda video game series.  She entertains questions dealing with topics outside of the video game arena; however, she reminded everyone that the show's content should be video game related or relative to subjects that are relevant to video games or the video game industry. Ms. H also reveals that she liked the conversation of the comments, including those from a listener who she was told by her son started the network.  Ms. H discusses the two video games she played -- one of which was an exercise program from her Xbox One.  She cautions her listeners that the exercise programs on Xbox Fitness are not all free and some, including add-ons can be had for a price. Ms. H stated that she was interested in the games that were free of charge.  Ms. H participated in two exercise programs, one lasting about seven minutes and the other lasting about 28 minutes.  She stated she was happy to unlock achievements and receive points throughout her exercise routine.  Even though she was not quite satisfied with the specific programs she selected on Xbox Fitness, she enjoyed the movement and exercising, which was rewarding to her.  Ms. H next talked about the second video game she played which was a demo on the PS4 called Tiny Brains, which she was not excited about.  The video game character of the week, Princess Zelda was discussed, with Ms. H informing everyone that this character has been around since 1986 and has a more prominent role in the game, Zelda, Ocarina of Time. In some other Zelda video games, Princess Zelda is not a playable character. This discussion was prefaced by Ms. H responding to the question in the positive, that currently she plans to attend E3 which will not be her first.  Ms. H stated she attended E3 when it was held in Atlanta, GA with her sons, and enjoyed being there.  Next, Ms. H shares her experience at the local public library where she went for her video game field trip which resulted in her obtaining books dealing with the Star Wars video game, as well as a book on careers in the video game industry. She lists  new video game releases, which are plentiful for this week; however, she notices that none of the new video games releasing on March 25, 2014 were for either the Xbox One or the PS4.  This leads her to discuss why it appears that PS4 is outpacing the Xbox One relative to sales and popularity.  She refers everyone to her website, moms-minute.com, where she gives her views about the battle between Xbox One and PS4 as well as offer possible actions that can be taken for the tables to be turned in a two-part series. Tech news round out the show where Microsoft's promotion to give customers $100 towards the purchase of a new PC if they are currently using the Windows XP operating system. Additional news include a new Xbox 360 app that will allow users to stream Major League Gaming tournaments, including the upcoming Call of Duty video game championship matches scheduled for March 28-30, 2014, as well as other video game tournaments. In additional video game news, Ms. H shares that if anyone is interested in getting the Titanfall Xbox One Bundle, which includes a free, highly acclaimed TitanFall video game, the system is currently being offered at a $50.00 discounted price at both Walmart and Best Buy. Ms. H's special, original saying is about how you can seize opportunity and make your own success.

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