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Mom's Minute 7-14-2014

  • Monday, 14 July 2014
Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game Show starts the 109th episode by welcoming everyone to the show and thanking those who tuned into her live Watch Dogs and Tomb Raider gameplays on Twitch.tv at 4:00 p.m. EST, 1:00 p.m. PST on Sundays, at twitch.tv/allgamesnetwork video.  She discusses two free full video games she played on the PS4 and the Xbox One -- Tower Fall Ascension and Guacamelee  respectively.   The games are free to play to PSN and Xbox Live Gold members. She changes the segments of the show and discusses her video game trip to the Family Fun Center before the video game characters of the week.  Ms. H lets everyone know she will be featuring multiple video game characters loosely timed to her video game field trip.  Ms. H recaps her video game field trip to the skating center by stating that even though there were not a lot of video arcade games there, her listeners may want to visit a skating center in their local area if they are interested in skating.  For the video game characters of the week, Ms. H details how these characters can be unlocked from the PS2 game Yanya Caballistic.  Instead of skaters, the video game characters of the week were those who could be unlocked at specific levels in the  game.  Since the game these characters are in are PS 2 games -- a a lively discussion followed on backwards compatibility games and how the PS Now feature on the PS4 that Ms. H discussed during her previous video game show fits into this type of gameplay.  Ms. H learns of a video game offering from Steam that is more of a simulator than a video game with Ms. H checking online to find out more about it.  She shares the information she learned with her listeners.  Ms. H lists the new video game releases, noting that the volume still needs to rise with not just game sequels but brand new, different video games for the PS4 and the Xbox One.  As a sedgeway from an Evo 2014 comment from one of her listeners, Ms. H states that Evo 2014 which concluded on July 13, 2014 -- tops the news.  During the EVO 2014 video game news segment, Ms. H discussions include the uniqueness of the EVO winner using a PS1 controller when playing Ultra Street Fighter IV and other video games.  Ms. H rounds out her show with her special saying that when you welcome positive change, positive change will welcome you and that there is power for you in flexibility.  

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