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Mom's Minute 10-13-2014

  • Monday, 13 October 2014
Ms. H from Mom's Minute Video Game live 123rd show  wishes everyone a Happy Columbus Day and welcomes all to the special Pocahontas Edition episode.    She thanked everyone who joined her the past weekend at http://www.twitch.tv/allgamesnetworkvideo as she played Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag and Tomb Raider using her PlayStation 4 on Saturday and Sunday respectively at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time  and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and 1:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The Columbus Day celebration leads into a lively debate about the idea of the holiday itself, which also led to discussing the Apple vs Microsoft debate.  Time was spent on the administrative subject of ops and updating topics on the show, before discussion returned back to Pocahontas as the video game topic.  Ms. H discusses the first PC video game, Pocahontas Indian Princess that she played on her Alienware Gaming laptop computer -- which she will be showing as an unboxing video shortly.  She cautions everyone about downloading video games from websites due to the possibiliy of security and other type problems that may be experienced.  The other video game she reviewed was NHL 15, which she enjoyed playing overall.  During this discussion, Ms. H welcomes a live listener on the show and urges others to call in to her show on Skype under Mom's Minute as well. Mom's Minute Video Show Skype's guest added to the topic on NHL 15 including why he will not be purchasing the latest version because it appears that no major changes were made.   When asked why hockey is more popular in  Canada, than the U.s.,  He provided a comparison of Canada and the U.S. relative to ice hockey  -- indicating the weather of Canada was  more conducive  to ice skaing instead of the U.S. Ms. H also wishes Canadians a Happy Thanksgiving Day which falls on October 13 -- the same date as Columbus Day. Ms. H discusses her video game field trip to Sports Authority and ranks it not as expansive and full of merchandise as Dick's Sporting Goods that she visited previously. Ms. H discusses new video game releases which was intercepted by discussion of the news of the day of threats against female video developers and gamers.  Other news involved the controversy of the actress Katey Cuoco dressing up as Pocahontas during a charity event. Ms. H rounds out the Mom's Minute Video Game Show with her special, original saying to help yourself and others by sharing your talents which will make the world a more brighter place. o

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