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Mom's Minute 10-14-2013

  • Monday, 14 October 2013
Ms. H wishes everyone a Happy Columbus Day during the intro to her Mom's Minute Video Game Show.  She reviews League of Legends and Buzz video games and discusses her enjoyment of playing League of Legends on two winning teams.  She discusses the video game character of the week Christopher Columbus,  from the game Carmen SanDiego's Race Through Time.  Lively discussion follows on the merits or non-merits of celebrating Columbus Day based on misdeeds that occurred when Christopher Columbus landed in what he thought was Asia, but was actually America.  In response to a statement that there were misdeeds on the other side as well, Ms. H reminds every one there is two sides to every story.  She stresses that the focus be on Christopher Columbus as the explorer as she informs everyone that his governance powers were taken from him as a result of his misdeeds. This discussion leads to facts about the discovery of America and who actually landed in America long before Columbus. After this discussion, Ms. H shares her experience during her video game field trip to Comic Kings, followed by a listing of new video game releases.  The Pokemon X and Y video game release tops the video game news as well as news about the  Spider-man game set to be released in concert with the movie, currently scheduled for May 2, 2014. Prior to Allgames.com announcements of upcoming events, Ms. H rounds out her show with her special saying that success is dependent on how much work you put into it to reach your goals.

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