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Mom's Minute 10-21-2013

  • Monday, 21 October 2013
Ms. H from Mom's Minute video game show reviews Shadow of the Collosus and Tropico 4 video games. She reveals among the lively discussion the basis for her rating for Tropico 4. She explains that her rating was due, in part, to the change in the languages in this game during the game play.  She discusses the video game character of the week, Joan of Arc, from the video game Jeanne d'Arc as well as her video game field trip to a store in the mall, A Little Bit of England. She lists the many new video game releases scheduled for October 22, 2013.  The new app from Anki Drive which features race cars controlled by artificial intelligence tops the news.  She mentions that the app is currently available from the App Store; however, the cars for the game will be available on October 23, 2013. Ms. H shares that pre-orders for the PS4 bundle, if ordered from Target, have been cancelled; however, Amazon and GameStop will honor the preorders for PS4 with a statement relative to the absence of the video game, Watch Dogs as part of the bundle.  It has been recently announced that Watch Dogs' release date has been postponed until some time in 2014.  More details about this delay is available on Ms. H's website -- Moms-Minute.com.  Ms. H discusses the delay until 2014 of the  availability of the headset adapter for the Xbox One. She receives clarification that the Xbox One will come with a headset; however, there will be an adapter available for purchase if you would like to use your current headset with the system.  Ms. H rounds out the show wiith her special saying about the value of your hard work, as well as the postivie results that will be obtained when you persevere.

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