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Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 6 TV Show Review by Ms. H - Jaimie Alexander’s Character Sinks Lower In Visibility


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Introduction to Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 6 TV Show Review by Ms. H

Jaimie Alexander’s character returns at the beginning of the episode during a physical drill to crack a code which plays out as if it is the real thing.  I must admit, this was an interesting beginning to this episode. Now, let’s see how Jaimie Alexander was cast during the rest of the 6th episode of season 4 of Blindspot.

Jaimie Alexander’s Character Appearances in Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 6 TV Show

It looks as if Jaimie Alexander’s character remains just barely in this episode with limited dialogue. The larger plot (among many) includes someone (once again) from inside the bureau suspected of wrongdoings.  

Subplot of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 6 TV Show Review by Ms. H

The numerous subplots include corrupt intrusion of lobbyists in voting on certain issues as well as a seemingly blackmail scheme -- which of course, ended not being blackmail at all.  On top of this, there is the ex-FBI agent whose mission is to find out information that may be damaging to a company that would affect it keeping a government contract. Let’s not forget the interrogation of an FBI agent relative to the ex-FBI agent who is now in London. If you watch this episode and can follow all of these subplots, you may lose interest in the show due to the numerous different stories -- none of which are especially exciting to watch with Jaimie Alexander’s character sinking lower in visibility.

Problems with Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 6 TV Show Review by Ms. H

I think the main problem with this episode is there is no huge catastrophe that would require the expertise of Jaimie Alexander’s character. Instead there are small type feats, many of which did not require her presence.  Additionally, this episode was a hodgepodge or conglomerate of plots including one that involves --- wait for it -- China. Go figure.



Assessment of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 6 TV Show Review by Ms. H

Overall, unfortunately, I found this episode to be disappointing.  Looks like the writer was trying to squeeze too many different scenarios into one episode and it came out not as a well-written script, but as one where seemingly everyone was tripping over each other. To round out this episode which seemed to drag on -- the cliffhanger scene is Jaimie Alexander's character's husband holding a weapon while facing her after tracking her previous whereabouts using a gps device.

Hopefully, the next episode will be less chaotic, and be more focused on a central issue. A plus would be if the episode concentrated on Jaimie Alexander’s character, especially since she is supposedly the star of the show.

Rating of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 6 TV Show Review by Ms. H

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 6  -- 1 ½ stars.

Blindspot Season 4, Episode 3 TV Show Review by Ms. H - Jaimie Alexander is Pushed in the Background -- Once Again

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Introduction to Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 3 TV Show Review by Ms. H


After two episodes of season 4 which included giving Jaimie Alexander’s character the spotlight --  she is once again a supporting character. This is deja vu -- reminding me of all the other episodes where she was practically overlooked in her lead role as an action TV star.


Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 3 Storyline


The new storyline involves a new recruit who happens to be a romantic interest for Patterson -- the other FBI agent/investigator. Additionally, in this episode, Jaimie Alexander and her husband as well as another agent are in the field trying to locate a bomb.

All the action is happening in the office where there are a group of student recruits assisting in the investigation -- one of whom unknowingly initially made an intimate  acquaintance with Patterson before knowing who she was.


I am not a fan of the cameras not following Jaimie Alexander and the agents as they try to track down the bomb. Instead Patterson and another investigator are guiding their actions from inside the office, with the help of the new recruit romantic interest.

There have been many episodes where the agents try to track down bombers-- but the option to keep the cameras away from the  action was not interesting to me. In other words, locating and detonating the bomb were not shown in any of the scenes -- you just heard the voices of the agents and sometimes see their facetime as they try to locate the bomb while at the same time attempt to keep the public safe.

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Patterson’s Gets the Spotlight in Blindspot Season 4, Episode 3


This episode was basically Patterson’s show.  She had most of the lines and showed up in most of the scenes.  Maybe it was creative to show the bomb situation from the office instead of at the actual location.  However, for me, this was a boring approach. It also seemed unreal -- the way Jaimie Alexander tried to sound like the bomb was going to go off.  As expected, Jaimie Alexander completed the mission -- which was not shown in the episode.

If the storyline involved a  space mission with a command center -- I could understand this manner of telling the story.  However, since this was not the case, I think this episode was basically a waste of time because no action was actually seen taking place.

The issue I have with Patterson having a lot of visibility -- is that even when Jaimie Alexander gets lucky and appears in a few scenes -- Patterson is always around and manages to get camera time.


Where is Jaimie Alexander in  Blindspot Season 4, Episode 3?


If you missed this episode, you did not miss much.  As I alluded to above, this show was more like Patterson’s romantic comedy instead of an action packed FBI story starring Jaimie Alexander.  As if to appease the viewers who were probably looking for more Jaimie Alexander appearances -- she did show up in the last scenes where she met a strange woman to establish some sort of cliff-hanger.  This seemed disjointed and out of place, especially since Jaimie Alexander was hardly mentioned or seen during the show.

These shows are taped; however, if subsequent episodes do not demonstrate that more competent writers were hired for this show for this season, I may stop watching Blindspot. However, for now, I will wait and see what happens.


Rating of Blindspot Season 4, Episode 3


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot Season 4, Episode 3  -- 2 stars.


Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 5 TV Show Review by Ms. H -- Jaimie Alexander Squeezes in Appearances


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Introduction to Blindspot, Season 4 Episode 5 TV Show Review by Ms. H


Sometimes establishing routine scenes can be a good thing for a TV show; however, oftentimes there is a need for changes. For instance, during the past few episodes, the show started with a brief footage of an ex- FBI agent’s actions.  This episode was no different -- except she has a longer part in the overall show. Maybe other episodes will begin differently, even it it’s only to break with this routine once in awhile.


Plot of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 5 TV Show


To keep you up to date, Jaimie Alexander’s character is suffering from a strange fatal disease.  The good news is she is given a remedy shot; however, the bad news is she continues her deceitful mission to go against her FBI team. Additionally, and unfortunately, the remedy did not work.

A subplot in this episode is the FBI agents’ mission to locate drones for a powerful chemical substance that -- wait for it -- will destroy the city if not found and destroyed. This is a usual plot which is also getting a little old. A saving’s grace is their latest mission originated from Jaimie Alexander’s tattoos -- which is a plus. Another plus was Roman did not appear in this episode, except as a flashback. Yay! The “invisible” Roman  was not there giving Jaimie Alexander’s character advice that she probably did not need.


Environmental Scam in Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 5 TV Show


Patterson’s FBI counterpart investigator has been getting considerable screen time on the show lately. In this episode, it’s revealed that at one time he ran a web scam aimed at environmentalists.  As a result, he appeared in quite a few scenes in this episode, up to the point where unscrupulous environmentalists were planning and set to destroy the city. Of course, the FBI agents intervened just in time.


Series’ Stars Saved to Return to Other Episodes of the Blindspot TV Show


If you recall, in my previous review, I mentioned a sort of co-worker relationship between another protagonist and an ex-FBI agent.  Spoiler Alert:  It looks like the writers ran out of material for the protagonist, because, in this episode she is destroyed.  As I’ve alluded to in previous reviews of this TV show, Blindspot has lots of characters -- some stay for awhile and some vanish from the show.  Apparently it was time for the co-worker character to leave the TV series in this particular episode.


It’s interesting to me that the writers found ways to keep the main characters  in tact -- given the circumstances in this episode. For example, after being captured, the assistant director was not only let go, but he was left practically unharmed -- probably so that he can continue to appear in other episodes.  The enigma now is why are the writers sacking Jaimie Alexander’s character with a strange disease, when she supposedly is the star of the Blindspot TV series. Could this be an attempt to raise the ratings? I guess only time will tell.


Jaimie Alexander’s Appearances in Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 5 TV Show


For the most part, Jaimie Alexander’s character had an inordinate amount of screen time -- especially when compared to the previous episode.  However, to counter this, the ex-FBI agent also got her screen time in as well. In fact, the show ended with her performing an unexpected act -- of course as a cliffhanger. By the way, Jaimie Alexander’s character returns to her shorter hairstyle -- which is reminiscent  of how she wore her hair during the show’s initial episodes.


I noticed that Jaimie Alexander’s character was in the midst of most of the action, and from what I can see, did not appear to be overlooked or pushed in the background of the show -- at least for now anyways.

Rating of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 5 TV Show


Because, among other things, I’m focusing on how often Jaimie Alexander appears on screen, I’m giving this particular episode a higher rating.  Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars, with 5 stars being the highest, I rate Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 5 TV show 4 stars.

Kim Kardashian -- Alec Baldwin - Kim Kardashian Interview -- A Ms. H TV Show Review

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Introduction to the Alec Baldwin - Kim Kardashian TV  Show Interview

I usually review movies,  television shows or special events.  However, I decided to review this television interview show for a change.  Interesting enough, the content of the interview was a little surprising to me -- as it may be for you too -- if you saw the interview.  One of the surprises to me was that it was not overly promotional -- even though the fact that Kim Kardashian is on this show is probably publicity enough. Of course there is controversy involving her husband and maybe even herself. However, my tv show review is only about the information that was discussed during the interview.

Kim Kardashian Interview TV Show Range of Topics

As you probably know, Kim Kardashian has been in the public eye for quite some time now.  There was no loss for content for Kim Kardashian on Alec Baldwin’s interview tv show. Topics ranged from the Paris robbery, to her husband, as well as her family life.  Alec Baldwin was considerate in requesting if he could ask certain questions -- before he actually did. In other words, there were no surprise questions or anything that would probably cause her to regret coming on the show.  

I was surprised to hear her say that Alec Baldwin could ask her anything he wanted to know.  In other words -- nothing was off limits, including her step-father’s transition to Caitlyn, as well as the actions of her husband.

That being said, I’m sure she was given a “cheat sheet” before the interview so that she would not be broadsided with unexpected questions.  For example, Alec Baldwin did not ask about her prior short-lived marriage, and instead stated that multiple marriages is an attempt to get it right -- and is not a sign of failure. He gave the impression he was talking about his marriages instead of hers.

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GIst of the Questions from Alec Baldwin - Kim Kardashian TV Show Interview

Some of Alec Baldwin’s questions centered around the robbery she experienced in Paris.  She stated that since that time, she has made some changes -- especially about letting people know her whereabouts etc.

She also got a chance to talk about her role in freeing a person from a life-sentence in prison-- which she thought the punishment was to the excess.

In this era of the #Metoo movement, I was a little surprised when Alec Baldwin said something to the effect that Kim Kardashian could “charm” just about any man during her discussion of how she met her husband.  Kim Kardashian simply overlooked this statement, so I’m not sure how she took it.

Also not mentioned was the infamous tape that some said helped propel Kim Kardashian to fame.  Instead, Alec Baldwin credits her reality show for helping make the Kardashian a household word -- which she did not dispute during the interview.  She was silent -- which can probably be interpreted as agreement to what was said.

Some interesting questions that Alec Baldwin asked was whether or not she would date an ordinary person -- other than the likes of her husband -- which she replied in the affirmative.  Also she was asked about her childhood, which she had nothing negative to say.

In my opinion, she never gave a definitive response to why she is staying in California. Her response was that initially the family lived in Beverly Hills, then moved to Calabasas at a time when hardly anyone else was living there.  Not a finite answer -- but nonetheless, she did sort of answer the question.

Assessment of the Alec Baldwin - Kim Kardashian TV Show Interview

I think this show focused on the positive.  I also think the lessons Kim Kardashian learned about the value of her privacy can be taken into account by others -- especially when it comes to being on social media as well as what to divulge about your information, including your whereabouts.

Personally, I noted a sense of maturity about her as she answered the questions. However, even though she said that she is not as focused on the “money” side of the business as she was when she first got started --personally, I have my reservations.  Otherwise -- why would the complete hour be devoted to Kim Kardashian instead of 30 minutes -- as it was last week when Robert De Niro and Taraji P. Henson were guests. Their interview was about 30 minutes each while Kim Kardashian was given the complete hour.

After the show ended -- I didn’t feel as if I found out anything really new about Kim Kardashian -- except for her emphasis on privacy since the robbery. Just about everything else was pretty much public knowledge. But as I said earlier -- the tv show had a positive vibe -- which is always a plus for me.

Rating of the Kim Kardashian - Alec Baldwin TV Show Interview

Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the highest, I rate the Alec Baldwin - Kim Kardashian Interview -- 4 ½ stars.


Blindspot TV Show Review by Ms. H - Season 4, Episode 4 - No Worries -- Jaimie Alexander’s Still Here

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Introduction to Blindspot TV Show Review by Ms. H, Season 4, Episode 4


The fourth episode of Blindspot Season 4 has a slow start as the cast of usual characters investigate the discovery of a strange doll after their culprit escaped. The plus of this episode is  the discovery of this doll happened as a result of one of Jaimie Alexander’s tattoos being researched. As you recall, her tattoos were once a mainstay of the show. Additionally, Jaimie Alexander appears in this episode -- but just barely.


Storyline of  Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 4


To connect the previous Blindspot episode to the current one, a flashback is shown of Jaimie Alexander meeting a mystery woman -- who almost remained a mystery throughout this episode. However, the focus of this episode is not the mystery woman and why she is meeting with Jane-Remi -- but the storyline centers around the appearance of a harmful biological agent that puts the team in danger. The government is called in to investigate the incident -- however, when the head of the government’s team broke protocol, I knew right away that he was not someone who was helping the case -- but would turn out to be a protagonist.


Jaimie Alexander’s Role in Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 4


Jaimie Alexander’s character appeared in a few scenes of the show so I hesitate to say that she was pushed further in the background as she was in episode 3.  The problem I saw was the story did not revolve totally around Jaimie Alexander’s character. As I alluded to previously, the biological agent was the main focus. The TV show also has a subplot dealing with an ex-FBI agent who evidently was fired and has become part of another woman’s criminal intentions.




Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 4 Subplot


Speaking of the subplot --  a new character is introduced as a “partner” for the ex-FBI agent whose mission is to secure information about another agent. The odd aspect of their interaction is that on one hand they seemed to be antagonistic towards one another and on the other, they appeared to have reasonable conversations and even worked together. By the way, the new character is one of many who is introduced to the show and may or may not appear as the show continues.


Assessment of Blindspot, Season 4 Episode 4


Even though Jaimie Alexander’s character was not a “no show” in this episode, it seems to me the writers continue to downplay her part in the television series. To make matters worse, oftentimes when Jaimie Alexander appears on screen, she is flanked by her “invisible” brother Roman who is constantly giving her advice on what she should do next.  One of my least favorite parts of the show is when he reminds her how she acted toward her husband previously -- and instantly, a flashback of that particular scene is shown on screen -- I guess to take up television time. The savings grace of this episode was that Jaimie Alexander’s character almost ordered Roman to leave-- which he did. However, he may show up again in the next episode.


Rating of Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 4


Based on a rating of 1 star to 5 stars with 5 stars being the best, I rate Blindspot, Season 4, Episode 4 -- 2 stars.

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